Saturday, 2 February 2013

Phone number deatails and address finding

Are you looking for the name and
address of a mobile number from
which you have received a missed
call? Are you interested in getting the
name of the person who made the
call? How can i locate the personal
address by mobile number? Would
you please help me find the address
for the following mobile number?
The answer to the above
questions is 'NO' India  you
cannot get the details of the
name or address of the person
behind the mobile.
Claims of websites to provide details
of the caller!
There are many websites and mobile
applications which claim to give you
such details. However, all of them fall
short by providing only Telecom
operator name and the name of the
circle. Even these details may be
wrong with the users who have used
the Mobile Number Potability (MNP)
feature. These websites will continue
showing you the original service
provider. For example if your original
service provider was MTS, and you
have switched over to Airtel, the
details from such a website will
continue to show as MTS.
This means no one can claim that they
can give you the details of the mobile
What is the purpose of this article?
This article is to educate that as of
now there is no way/provision by
which you can get the details of the
caller. The only exception is by way of
lawful complaint to the Police.
In the year 2007, the Department of
Telecommunications (DoT) has asked
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India (Trai) to furnish its
recommendations to get the mobile
service providers in the country to
launch mobile number directories.
There has not been any decision on
this either by DOT or by TRAI, and the
matter is still under consultation.
What are the problems in not being
able to track the caller details?
As can be seen the mobile users in
India tend to keep their numbers
private and this would become a
major concern for mobile operators
and their customers. The mobile
company claims that such a directory
would be used by marketing
companies to harass the people
thereby escalating the existing
problems of mobile junk calls.

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