magine that you are blocked from
sending Friend Requests by Facebook
for 2, 4, 7, 14 or even worse 30 days!
That would be a really serious problem
if you actually wanted to add someone
during that period. Now, you can! With
this simple trick you can send 1000's of
friend requests when when you are
blocked . There's just one part which
will be tough for you if you are going to
add unknown people. You will need the
Email address of the person you want to
Head over to this Link . Here you will
find the place to add a friend through
their Email based on the different Mail
Services. But, if you 're thinking of
adding too many people then it would
be better that you create a contactfile.
For the people who don't know the
easiest way to create a contact file, here
it is:
1. Open a New text document (.txt) in
2. Add all the email addresses
separated by a comma (' , ').
3. Now save that file with the
extension .vcf
Now, this new file is your contact file.
Upload it to Facebook and you willbe
prompted to send friend request. Click
'OK' and that's it, you're done!
Simple yet effective! If you are not
blocked from sending Friend Requests
but still you get warnings like 'This
Friend Request Can't Be Sent' thenyou
can refer another trick which will help
you in bypassing this error here .
There's more in TechAmy which will
definitely help you in Facebook, just
head over here
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