Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Resorce hack tutorial advanced for 2014

Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to
view, modify, rename, add, delete and
extract resources in 32bit & 64bit
Windows executables and resource files
(*.res). It incorporates an internal
resource script compiler and decompiler
and works on all (Win95 - Win7) Windows
operating systems.
Viewing Resources: Cursor, Icon, Bitmap,
GIF, AVI, and JPG resource images can
be viewed. WAV and MIDI audio
resources can be played. Menus, Dialogs,
MessageTables, StringTables,
Accelerators, Delphi Forms, and
VersionInfo resources can be viewed as
decompiled resource scripts. Menus and
Dialogs can also be viewed as they would
appear in a running application.
Saving Resources: Resources can be
saved as image files (*.ico, *.bmp etc), as
script files (*.rc), as binary resource files
(*.res), or as untyped binary files (*.bin).
Modifying Resources: Resources can be
modified by replacing the resource with a
resource located in another file (*.ico,
*.bmp, *.res etc) or by using the internal
resource script compiler (for menus,
dialogs etc). Dialog controls can also be
visually moved and/or resized by clicking
and dragging the respective dialog
controls prior to recompiling with the
internal compiler.
Adding Resources: Resources can be
added to an application by copying them
from external resource files (*.res).
Deleting Resources: Most compilers add
resources into applications which are
never used by the application. Removing
unused resources can reduce an
application's size.
Last Updated:
16 September 2011
Version: 3.6.0
Author & Copyright:
Angus Johnson
© Copyright 1999-2011
Licence to Use - Terms and Conditions:
This Resource HackerTM software is
released as freeware provided that you
agree to the following terms and
1. This software is not to be distributed via
any website domain or any other media
without the prior written approval of the
copyright owner.
2. This software is not to be used in any
way to illegally modify software.
DISCLAIMER: A user of this Resource
Hacker TM software acknowledges that he
or she is receiving this software on an "as
is" basis and the user is not relying on
the accuracy or functionality of the
software for any purpose. The user
further acknowledges that any use of this
software will be at the user's own risk
and the copyright owner accepts no
responsibility whatsoever arising from the
use or application of the software.
The above licence terms constitute
"copyright management information"
within the meaning of Section 1202 of
Title 17 of the United States Code and
must not be altered or removed from the
licensed works. Their alteration or
removal from the licensed works, and the
distribution of licensed works without all
the above licence terms in an unaltered
way, may contravene Section 1202 and
give rise civil and/or criminal
Resource Hacker is no longer being
I have been overwhelmed by the interest
in Resource HackerTM , the emails of
thanks, encouragement and suggestions.
It's been downloaded many millions of
times. However, I've moved on to other
things and have no plans to continue its
development. Please don't ask for the
source code, I'm not releasing it, nor is it
for sale. Colin Wilson has written an open
source Resource Editor which may
interest those looking for source code.
Otherwise, Anders Melander has also
created another excellent Resource Editor
which is still being developed.
Known Limitations:
Resource HackerTM was compiled using
Delphi 3.02. When decompiling and
recompiling Borland's Delphi forms in
applications compiled with later version
of Delphi, there may be errors in the
recompiled forms if frames have been
used to create the form. This error is due
to new language syntax not being
I have no plans to recompile Resource
Hacker TM using a newer version of
To reduce the size of application files,
some applications are "packed" or
"compressed" using an EXE compressor
once they have been compiled. This has a
side-effect of making it more difficult to
view and modify resources. When a
"compressed" executable is viewed with
Resource HackerTM, only resource types
and names will be visible but not the
actual resources.
This is not viewed as a bug. The
application developer may well have
viewed this as beneficial feature so no
"fix" is planned.

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