Monday, 28 January 2013

Genarate trafic on google

Along with the reports in your account,
you can use Google Analytics to measure
the traffic generated by your books in
Google Books. Google Analytics tracks
incoming traffic to your website; this data
gives you more insight into how readers
interact with your site when they arrive
from Google. In addition to the quantity
and quality of this traffic, you can see
how many of these readers coming from
Google complete a purchase on your site.
Please note that in order to properly use
Google Analytics, you must be able to
make direct edits to the HTML code of
your site.
On this page, we'll show you how to
create a number of useful reports related
to Google Books with your Google
Analytics account. If you haven't yet
signed up for Google Analytics, you can
do so by visiting the Google Analytics
Getting Started Guide , on the Google
Analytics Help Center.
Use Google Analytics to track Google
Books traffic
There are several useful features of
Google Analytics that allow you to see the
traffic that's coming to your website from
Google Books.
All Traffic Sources. To get a better idea
of the visitors that you're getting from
Google Books, we suggest using the All
Traffic Sources report. Select Traffic
Sources and then click All Traffic. If you
type [ ] (without the
square brackets) into the search field,
you'll see the visitors that have been
directed to your site from Google Books.
This report tells you how many pages of
your site these visitors look at per visit.
Referrals. The Referrals report allows you
to look deeper into the traffic that you're
getting from Google Books. You'll also
find this report under Traffic Sources .
The Referrals report tells you which
individual pages on Google Books have
generated the most traffic for your site.
Again, type [ ] into the
search field to restrict the report to Google
Books referrals. Then open up the full
range of data by clicking on the row. You'll see the
statistics broken out into a page-by-page
Map Overlay. Curious to know where in
the world your visitors are from? With this
feature, which you can access by
selecting Demographics and then clicking
Location, we'll show you the
geographical locations of your visitors
superimposed on a map of the world.
Additional features
Analytics is a helpful tool to track your
Google Books stats, but it has many other
features that you may find useful as you
develop your website. For example, you
can set internal tracking goals on your
site, which could allow you to find out
how many of your visitors are making
purchases on your website. To find out
more about this feature, we encourage
you to visit Google Analytics Conversion
University . For general Analytics
questions, please visit the Google
Analytics .

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